I Used A Rose Quartz Facial Roller For Two Weeks and Here’s What I Learned
The most recent addition to my skincare routine is a rose quartz roller.

A facial roller is a skincare tool, which finds its origins in China during the 17th century and is used to massage the face. In the past few years facial rollers have gained a lot of popularity around the world for providing benefits such as reducing puffiness, increasing circulation and improving lymphatic drainage, reducing redness and improving product penetration.
Gifting company Zen Theory very kindly gifted me a rose quartz facial roller to test out. Here’s what I learned:
Table of Contents
Jade vs Rose Quartz — what’s the difference?
Jade face rollers are more suitable if you’re looking to contour and lift the skin because jade has a little more resistance on the skin. Jade crystal is also known to carry healing energies, which is good to bring a sense of inner peace, balance and harmony.
Rose quartz rollers are more suitable if you’re looking to keep skin clear, reduce redness, and reduce the appearance of fine lines. It also remains cooler for longer so it is suitable for those with sensitive and inflammatory skin issues such as rosacea and acne. Rose quartz crystal has anti-inflammatory properties and is gentler on the skin.
Integrating the rose quartz face roller into my skincare routine – how and when?
Face rollers can be used day and night. I chose to use it as part of my nighttime skincare routine mainly because I have more time at night.

Using the large roller and small roller – what goes where?
The large roller is designed for the neck, jawline, cheeks and forehead.
The small roller is suitable for under the eyes and sides of the nose.
Massaging technique with a face roller — what’s the deal?
**Remember to use a gentle pressure when massaging — at no point should your face feel like it is being tugged or pulled or pressured in any way.**
I watched a few videos online to understand the ‘right’ way to use a face roller and here’s what I do:
Using the larger side of the roller start massage on the collar bone from the centre out (rather than back and forth) because this apparently sets up the face and neck for effective lymphatic drainage. Do each side 3-5 times.
Next massage the neck very gently (at no point should you feel the face roller is pushing into the neck uncomfortably) from under the chin downwards with each stroke, again avoid back and forth because you are trying to emulate a “draining” motion. Repeat 3-5 times.
Then move to the face. I like to start at my jawline and work my way up the face. Working from the centre out with each massage stroke. I avoided going back and forth because I think it defeats the purpose of the lymphatic drainage technique. So continuing with the large roller I will do each side of my jawline, cheeks, temples, eyebrows and forehead, repeating 3-5 times.
Lastly, switch to the small roller and I massage under the eyes (from the centre outwards) and the sides of my side (from the top down with each stroke). Repeat 3-5 times.
How I use the face roller
I tried using the face roller in a few different ways:
With a serum / sheet mask
After cleansing the skin, I apply a serum / sheet mask and use the face roller to massage the product into my skin for 5-10 minutes. The cooling effect of the rose quartz roller feels very soothing on the skin and I find that the product absorbs well into the skin (especially with a sheet mask where the serums can be more liquid). Then I followed up with my moisturiser and other nighttime skincare as usual.
With a sleeping mask
For the days where my skin is feeling extra dehydrated I will apply a sleeping mask (a very rich and extra thick moisturiser-like cream applied after moisturiser for extra hydration) and use the face roller to help the product absorb into the skin. I prefer using the face roller this way because sleeping masks are very thick and they give the roller extra slip on the skin, making it glide smoothly and gently. I also like that it helps the thick mask absorb into the skin more effectively so that it doesn’t just sit on top of the skin.
Use it with a facial oil
I tried using the face roller with facial oil and I think it works really well because oil gives a nice slip to the skin for the roller to glide on smoothly. The only reason I didn’t continue using it this way is because facial oils don’t really suit my skin so I don’t use them in general.
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Other ways to use a face roller
Put it in the refrigerator to cool and use it in the morning to de-puff skin
As I mentioned face rollers can also be used with morning skincare routines. One tip I came across is to put the face roller in the fridge and then use it in the morning to de-puff skin, especially around the eyes. It’s supposed to be extremely soothing as well as a nice way to wake yourself up in the mornings.
Be sure to clean face roller after each use and store properly
I clean my face roller after each use because I have acne-prone skin and for hygiene reasons. Simply wipe it clean with a microfibre cloth / towel that is soaked with warm water and a gentle soap and leave it on a towel to dry completely before storing it away.
I keep my face roller in the box that it came in because it is well-padded. You can also store it in a clean ziplock bag or cloth bag (especially if you do keep it in the fridge).
A few don’ts with face rollers
When cleaning don’t submerge it in water or leave it under running water for a long time because it can affect the crystal and product overall.
Do not leave it in the freezer because the crystal can crack.
Do not tug or pull / push the skin in any way when massaging your face with the face roller.

Finally, does it actually work?
And the answer is yes. Focusing on the benefits that a rose quartz face roller is supposed to give — reducing inflammation and soothing the skin — I can very confidently say I have noticed a significant improvement in the quality of my skin.
Since incorporating the rose quartz face roller into my skincare routine two weeks ago, I notice that my face is much more clear, even-toned and the redness from acne breakouts and scarring has reduced significantly to the point that I haven’t actually had any new breakouts in two weeks!
My skin also feels smoother and softer — any texture I had from scarring and bumps seem to have disappeared.
This post is sponsored by gifting company Zen Theory.
Jade and Rose Quartz Face Rollers available in stock for retail and wholesale orders (minimum order 30 units). They make lovely gifts for loved ones, party favours, baby shower / wedding shower favours etc
For all price and inquiries, please contact Vinisha:
Email: vinishaemail@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +(66) 917408617