How To Start Working Out – These Tips Might Surprise You

Here’s my honest advice on how to start working out and eventually grow to enjoy it.

Why is it always so hard to start working out?

Let’s be real pushing our bodies to feel hot and sweaty doesn’t seem fun. Exercise is one more thing to add to the to-do list; it can feel like a chore. And if anything feels like a chore, we’re less likely to feel motivated to do it.

So, the key is to find a way to make exercise something to look forward to. I see you rolling your eyes. I never understood when people told me they “enjoyed” exercise either. But, it can happen and that’s why I’m here writing this post, and you, dear reader, are reading while rolling your eyes 🙂

Be honest about why you’re working out

Okay, back to business. The simple truth is you need to find your “why”. What is your reason for working out?

If you’re doing it for a New Years resolution or because your friend told you to or because you snagged a good deal on a gym membership, then I think we both know how this story ends. You’re most likely to fall off the exercise train after 3-4 weeks and not come back to it.

So, find your “why”. Make that reason your intention and use that intention as motivation to work out.

I’ll share my “whys”: to keep up and play with my kids, not say “I’m tired” as often as I do, and not feel guilty about eating food. Whenever I exercise, I do it with these intentions, and it’s shifted my perspective on working out significantly.

Understand your body and what it needs

This is important and links back to the idea that if you’re working out for the sake of working out, it won’t work.

Take a moment to think about what your body or specific parts of your body need. Weight loss? Strength? Stamina? Flexibility? Toning? It’s equally important to identify your limitations (bad back, bad knees, can’t lift too much weight, etc.). You don’t want to injure yourself while working out.

Google what types of exercise and workouts can help you achieve your goals. I also watch YouTube videos to see what different forms of exercise look like and assess if it makes sense for me.

Start small, go slow, and be realistic

how to start working out

How to start working out is really about making it into a habit. The best way is to start small, go slow, and be realistic. If you haven’t worked out before or have never been regular with it, start with something you enjoy and find easy to do.

Remember when I said couch potato queen? That was me. But after having kids, when I decided to get serious about exercise and movement, I started with a 30-minute walk every day. I knew my body couldn’t handle more than a walk at that point in my life and I was okay with that. Some movement is better than no movement, I reminded myself.

Walking is a simple, low-stress activity I could do without worrying about things like going to the gym; having the right equipment, or following a trainer. I could do it on my own, whenever and wherever I wanted. I have planned my walks around visiting local coffee shops, and going to the mall to run errands or school pick-ups. This strategy worked because I didn’t feel like I was working out. I started to look forward to my daily walks, which slowly got longer and longer and turned into a habit.

That’s why I said before, it’s important to understand your body and find a form of exercise that is sustainable and makes you happy because you’re more likely to stick with it.

More tips on how to start working out

  • Find a time of day that you feel motivated to work out. Not everyone is a morning person (I’m not!) and that’s fine.
  • Get a fitness tracker like Fitbit or a smartwatch. I can say this was a game-changer for me. I like to see when I achieve my exercise goals.
  • Buy some cute workout clothes. Don’t underestimate the motivating power of a cute workout set 🙂
  • Listen to podcasts or set up a playlist while working out. When I started going to the gym as a teen (in the late 90s). I could either watch network TV or listen to the radio. We’ve come a long way since then. Enjoy all that technology has to offer now 😀
  • Try a class or form of movement that makes you feel happy, not overwhelmed. Try different classes to find a form of movement you like. See how you feel after and be honest with yourself, if it’s right for you or not. It’s also good to know if you prefer working out alone, in a group, or a mix of both.
  • Remember your intention(s) whenever you feel unmotivated to exercise. Setting an intention for each workout is a game-changer, try it.
  • Focus on being consistent, not on the results (for now). This is the hardest thing to do, but the most important. Building consistency and forming a habit is the key to working out. If you commit to 30 minutes of movement every day, show up for yourself and do it. It doesn’t matter what you do or how many calories you burn. As long as you showed up for yourself and did it, that is what matters. The results will eventually follow, trust me on this.

My final thoughts on getting started with exercise

There are no shortcuts or quick fixes! You have to start somewhere and understand that exercise is a journey, not a destination. I did 30 to 60-minute walks as the only form of exercise for months and eventually, my mind and body absorbed it as a daily habit. After a certain point, you won’t feel like exercise is a drag; it starts to feel natural, and almost intrinsic, and you prioritize getting in movement every day because it’s done with an intention. If there’s anything you take away from reading this post, let it be this: find your “why, be consistent with exercise (there are no rules about what it should be, choose something that sparks joy), and be kind to yourself. You’ll be surprised at what happens when you do.


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