How To Solo Travel And Actually Enjoy It

If you’re reading this, then you’re considering solo travel (aka traveling on your own). In this post, I want to share my tips on how to make solo travel enjoyable and less overwhelming.

Think about what you like and dislike

We live in a world where it’s very easy to get swept away by photos and videos online of dreamy locations and “once-in-a-lifetime” experiences. I think social media is a great way to find inspiration for travel, but avoid copying somebody’s trip. The reason being that solo travel is about YOU.

So, take some time to think about and answer some basic questions like:

  • Why do you want to travel alone?
  • What do you like to do and not like to do when traveling?
  • What kind of weather do you like?
  • Do you want a long or short trip?
  • Car, train or plane?


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how to solo travel

How to prep for solo travel

Traveling alone takes some getting used to, especially if it’s your first time. Some people are good at being alone and some are not. This is not to say that the people that are not good at being alone can’t solo travel — they totally can — but I think it’s helpful to know this little fact about yourself and be prepared.

Do something small to test the waters

There’s no bigger regret than paying for something you will not enjoy and can’t get a refund on. So, test the solo travel waters with things like: eating a meal alone; staying overnight in a hotel on your own; going for a class without knowing anyone else there; or even talking to a stranger at a cafe. Then, see how you feel and plan your travel with the things that make you feel at ease.

Think about safety

Safety is arguably the most important thing when traveling alone, so do not take it lightly. Choose your destination carefully. There is so much information available online (vlogs, blogs, reviews etc.) to make an informed decision about where to travel. Think about things like safety on public transport and walking around at night. Simple rule of thumb: if you don’t do something alone at home, then don’t do it while traveling. Furthermore, equip yourself with the right tools and information to stay safe like contact numbers of your embassy; nearest hospital; and emergency numbers (friends, acquaintances etc.).

Plan an itinerary for solo travel

Don’t show up without a basic plan for your travel. The overwhelm of being in an unknown place with no idea what to do or where to go can be very unsettling. Do your research and have a basic itinerary for the first day or two at the very least while you get settled with the new surroundings. Look up Facebook groups for ‘solo travel + the destination’ for ideas on what to do and connect with other so travelers.

Here’s a few ideas on what to do on your first day when traveling alone:

  • Find a local cafe for breakfast or brunch. This is a great way to do a ‘vibe check’ of your destination. What are the locals like? What’s the food like? Notice anything particular about the culture or customs?
  • Local walking tour. Easy way to connect with other travelers and tourists; get a feel for the city; and see some of the sights in a low-key way
  • Food tour or group dining experience. A great way to experience local cuisine and meet like-minded travelers.
  • Meet up with other solo travelers. Feeling like you have a friend / know someone in a foreign place always helps to feel more at ease.
  • Explore a park or city square. Low-key way to explore a new city and get your bearings.

The art to enjoying solo travel

The beauty of traveling alone is that you don’t have to think about anyone else’s schedule or preferences. It’s all about you. You choose where to go; what to eat; and which activities to do (or not do!). If you feel like a day in bed with zero plans — go for it. Or you want to do a niche activity like pottery or attending an open mic night or hiking or sky diving — do it.

The key (IMHO) is know to enjoying solo travel is to know your own likes and dislikes; expectations from the trip; pre-plan a few activities to feel settled in a new location; and then be open to new experiences and meeting new people. Solo travel also doesn’t mean you have to be alone 24/7. Social media makes it easy to connect with other travelers and do things together, if you like.

The last bit of advice: don’t worry about what other people think, if you are alone, because they’re too busy to notice 😀

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