Female Founder In Focus — Vibha Sodhia — Owner of Art & Soul – The Studio (Bangkok)
Welcome to the Female Founder In Focus series!
This series on my blog celebrates women blazing trails in different areas of business, tech, art, entrepreneurship, fashion, beauty etc.
I hope by sharing the stories and journeys of other women, you are inspired to chase your dreams, work hard and never give up.
Today’s Female Founder In Focus is Vibha Sodhia (yes, my mum!), the owner of Art & Soul – The Studio, a multipurpose, creative studio and event space located in the heart of Bangkok.

Owner of Art & Soul – The Studio
What is your background?
I was born and raised in the state of Madhya Pradesh in central India. While I always had an interest in fine arts and painting, it wasn’t a very popular — or recommended — area of study when I was young so I decided to study psychology and completed my Masters degree in it.
Shortly after completing my studies, I got married and moved to Bangkok and I’ve been here ever since.
When did you start painting? Share your journey with us.
I didn’t formally pursue my interest in art until much later. Once my younger son started preschool, I had a bit more free time and started with Chinese brush painting (ink and watercolour) in 1992. I practiced the art form for a few years but didn’t find my true calling until I started classes in oil painting in 1996.
I attended weekly classes and focused on developing my basic knowledge and skills in the area of oil painting over the course of the next 7-8 years. I thoroughly enjoyed oil painting because it allowed me to paint figures and portraits — something that wasn’t possible with Chinese brush painting — a subject matter I am truly passionate about.
Having found a subject matter I am so strongly drawn towards, I took more art classes and explored other media such as chalk and charcoal, mixed media and acrylic paints to see how I could further hone my vision and skill. As a result, I discovered acrylic paints and really enjoy painting in the medium too.
To develop my painting skills and knowledge further, I joined an art studio in 2002 with a group of artists and began my solo painting journey. It’s where I started painting work based on my own ideas and aesthetics. There was an in-house art teacher at the time to offer guidance, if needed. He eventually left a few years later and with no teacher present, I was truly able to grow as an artist and share my visual stories through the canvas.
I have had the opportunity to be a part of several group exhibitions around Bangkok in the past decade and for me that shows me how far I’ve come as an artist and creative.
It’s been almost 18 years and I continue to go to the very same art studio about two to three times a week and work on my craft — it is my creative sanctuary.

Can you share more about your business? How did you get the idea and how did you start?
I am the owner of Art & Soul – The Studio. It is a multipurpose space, which can be used as a studio space to work on private projects or as an event space to host workshops and exhibitions.
At the studio, in addition to myself there are other seasoned artists — Malini Mansukhani and Anjali Mandrekar — who have long-term studio memberships and produce commissioned pieces. We also offer private art classes for children ages 5 and up and adults taught by Anjali Mandrekar.
I have always had the dream to own a creative yet casual studio/gallery space where creatives can work freely and share their masterpieces with ease. I have grown as an artist as a result of finding friends and a community that has supported and encouraged me over the years. And I want to offer the same to other creatives — no matter the skill level — in Bangkok.

When the opportunity to purchase the very studio where I have spent close to two decades painting came my way, I didn’t think twice. And that’s how Art & Soul – The Studio started in January 2020.
What challenges did you face when starting your business and how did you overcome them?
My business is still very, very new. And I am very new to the world of entrepreneurship and owning a business. I think the biggest challenge so far is adapting to the role of a business owner and developing the mindset of one because I do not have a business background. But I’m willing to learn and listen so I often seek advice and guidance from my family. My husband has years of experience in the corporate world while both of my kids have degrees in business and marketing so you can guess which topics of conversation pop up during our family dinners!
The coronavirus pandemic is another (very unexpected) challenge that affected my business right as we were getting ready to relaunch with a new brand and vision. The very week we were scheduled to host our first open house event was when Bangkok went into lockdown and so the event was indefinitely postponed. Understandably, it’s been a very quiet first year for Art & Soul – The Studio. With the coronavirus situation in Bangkok improving, I hope to host our open house event soon and push things along for the studio.
3 most useful skills you have learned for your business
Social media: I’m slowly learning more about how to operate and promote a business in the age of social media. More specifically, I’m exploring Facebook and Instagram and how to create content on these platforms.
iPhone photography: With the need to create content on a daily basis, I’m also developing my eye for basic yet good quality photography and video with my iPhone.
Self-confidence and self-belief: For someone like me without a business background and who has turned a lifelong ‘hobby’ into a business, it can be a challenge to be taken seriously. So I’m working on speaking with conviction and exuding confidence when it comes to any aspect of handling Art & Soul – The Studio.
What is your advice for aspiring business owners / entrepreneurs?
It’s never too late to make your dreams come true. Art & Soul – The Studio became a reality after I became a grandma!
Connect with Art & Soul – The Studio
Facebook: www.facebook.com/artsoulbangkok
Instagram: @artsoulbangkok