Christmas Special: The Story Of How I Became A Mom Of Two At Once
On Christmas Day two years ago, a tiny little furball whose eyes were barely visible on his furry face joined our little family. And we named him Milo.
I’m telling this story for nostalgic reasons but also to make a point that not all life decisions have to be pragmatic, sometimes just going with your gut is the best way to go.
My husband and I had just moved to a new house and only a week later found out we were expecting. To say we were overwhelmed is an understatement but somehow adding a new puppy to the mix seemed like the right coping mechanism!
After years and years of passive-aggressive hinting from my side, the hubs finally caved and I received this text from him: I think we can get a dog.
I couldn’t believe it. My persistent hinting and sending of dog memes worked! But now the question was which breed to get? (FYI: He’s always wanted a Corgi and I love Shih Tzus)
So we sat together one evening, going through a website with dog breeds listed A-Z, reading each one by one and noting the pros and cons. After that exercise we had narrowed some options but hadn’t agreed on a single breed. The next day my husband sees a Shih Tzu wearing a jacket in Bangkok’s tropical winter and chilling on the floor of a cafe near his office, like a total boss. And I get another text with this Shih Tzu’s (whose real name I don’t know so I have named him Momo) photo attached: Let’s get a Shih Tzu.

Christmas miracle, my friends. This was a Christmas miracle.
On Monday 19 Dec 2016 we agreed that it will be a Shih Tzu to join our family and that very weekend on Sunday 25 December 2016, Milo joined our family. In addition to us happy new puppy parents, our parents (Milo’s grandparents) were also present to welcome him to his new home!
It happened so fast but every part of this decision felt so right. I still remember holding teeny tiny Milo at 10 weeks old in my arms on the car ride home and I told him: “Don’t worry, munchkin. I’m your mama and you are already loved more than you know.” And it was in that moment I became a mom of two.
A lot of people thought I was crazy to get a dog while newly pregnant and I got asked all sorts of questions and heard all sorts of comments. But I won’t bore you with them. My only point here is a dog (or any pet for that matter) can only bring joy, love and happiness to a family. I believe they truly complete a family and teach you love unconditionally.
The months following Christmas were a quick blur of getting to know each other, puppy training, dad doting on puppy, bump growing and prepping for Kiaan’s arrival in the summer. My husband always jokes that getting Milo at this point in our lives was actually a very strategic decision on his part because he knew a dog would be the only way to keep me happy and sane (read: keep him sane) during the most hormonal phase of my life. And I think he was right so let’s just say it was a win-win for all 😉
Milo was my buddy through pregnancy. Yoga, naps, and daily walks — we did it all together. Once Kiaan arrived, I became a new mom all over again and the only thing I knew was I wanted to raise Kiaan and Milo as brothers. And I’m so happy to see that a year later, this little dream of mine is a reality every day. My kids drive me crazy some days but it’s the kind of crazy that makes me so happy and thankful that I get to be their mom.
So there’s my little Christmas story. I hope you’re spending the holiday season with your loved ones and making the most of all the little moments together — that’s the true gift of Christmas.