
Dry Tripping Is Taking Off. Are You On Board?

Gen Z is driving a whole new travel trend — dry tripping — and, if you’re as curious, as I am, then this post is for you.

What is dry tripping?

Dry tripping is traveling without consuming alcohol or focusing on low alcohol consumption during a vacation.

Gen Z is consuming 20% less alcohol than millennials, according to a World Finance Report article quoting a report published by Berenberg Research. Unlike previous generations, Gen Z prioritizes physical and mental well-being and remains unaffected by the pressure to drink and party. This compounded with a rise in health consciousness, focus on self-care, and mental health awareness has contributed greatly to higher demand for sober travel experiences.

Reasons to try dry tripping

While dry tripping may not be for everyone, it might be worth trying out.

No hangovers

Safe to say hangover-free days are one of the biggest benefits of sober travel. Especially while traveling when time is limited, you don’t want to waste it away nursing a bad hangover. Imagine waking up every day feeling fresh and ready to go.

Physical benefits

Long flights, jet lag, and irregular routines during travel take a toll on the body. Add alcohol into the mix and the body struggles even more. Swap out the in-flight Bloody Mary’s for water and observe how the extra hydration makes you feel after a long travel day. Hint: your skin will glow!

Higher energy levels

Cutting out the alcohol takes away lethargy. You can get more done in a day, maybe even a workout, and enjoy the full benefits of high energy levels.

Mental health

You know that feeling of “I need a vacation after a vacation”? Dry tripping could be the answer to having the restful and relaxing vacation you crave. Come back feeling energized, healthy and fulfilled because you could see and experience more.

Hotels and airlines have more alcohol-free options

Hotels and airlines are jumping on the sober travel trend by offering extensive alcohol-free options. You no longer have to settle for a soda, Shirley Temple or water. Businesses are making a concerted effort to ensure alcohol-free experiences are high quality and memorable.

What to do on a alcohol-free holiday

Here’s a list of things to inspire your dry trip:

  • Walking tours
  • Food tours or dining experiences
  • Focus on wellness activities like yoga and massages
  • Commit to daily exercise
  • Picnic in the park
  • Day trips to smaller towns and villages
  • Outdoor activities
  • Art activities
  • Live music
  • Learn a new skill
  • Historical tours

Final thoughts on dry tripping

While I don’t think I’m ready to give up my Aperol Spritz on the beach and a glass of wine with dinner on holiday, I have to admit I like the idea of dry tripping or, if not an alcohol-free vacation, then having a few days and nights without alcohol. I am leaning toward incorporating wellness into my holidays, so I like being hangover-free on certain days to do things like walking, getting in a workout, and enjoying a leisurely breakfast. It comes down to what you seek from your travel experiences. There are no hard and fast rules. 🙂


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